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Quantum Technology: The Next Game Changer? 행사 안내

  • 작성자 연구개발특구진흥재단
  • 작성일 2022-04-15
  • 조회수 429

Quantum Technology: Next Game Changer? The 6th GSIIF 4. 20.2022, 08:30 am ~ 09:55 am 4. 20. 2022, 08:30 am 09:55 am (Korea Standard Time) 4. 19. 2022, 07:30 pm ~08:55 pm (US Eastern Daylight Time) 4. 19. 2022, 04:30 pm ~ 05:55 pm (US Pacific Daylight Time) 4. 19.2022, 12:30 am ~ 01:55 am (Greenwich Mean Time) Organized by the Global Strategy Institute, KAIST / KTV Search 'KAIST'/'KTV'/'KAOS Science' on Youtube m 8:30-9:55 KAIST/KTV/KAOS Science Youtube Channels 9:00-9:55 KTV Live Broadcasting LIVE 한국정책방송원 KTV 국민방송 Global Strategy Institute International Forum 2022 GSIF KAOS Quantum technology has emerged to attract a great deal of attention to recent years as a frequently discussed topic, a.k.a. "the core of the future industry." According to the Homeland Security Research Corp., a market research firm, it is predicted that the global quantum computing market will exceed USD 10 billion in 2024 ($8.5 billion in products and services, $2.2 billion in R&D). The US, China, and the European Union have all announced their plans to take the lead in the global race for quantum technology. The Korean government has also released a newly revised regulatory framework to develop this technology as one of its key national strategic goals for science and technology. Technology companies have invested in quantum technologies such as computing, sensing, optimization, and communications to make breakthroughs and translate them into real-world applications. Quantum technology is revolutionary and powerful as it has the potential to produce disruptive changes to a broad range of sectors. If technology is widely applied to industry, economy, society, and even culture, how will it shape our future in a way that is significantly different from the present? What is the perspective on quantum disruptions and the possibility of bringing fundamental changes to mankind, society, and geopolitics? Hosted by KAIST's Global Strategy Institute (GSI), the 6th Forum will zoom in on the challenges and emerging opportunities for quantum technology and discuss how it will impact economic growth and social changes with global experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs. Major themes of the forum include: (i) Understanding the "game-changing" effects of the current quantum information and communications such as computing, cryptography communication, and sensing by examing their potential in the fields of medical engineering, finance, cybersecurity, blockchain, virtual currency, artificial intelligence, logistics, robotics, production and industrial design, agriculture, and national defense; (ii) Comparing and reviewing policies and implications for quantum information and communications technology around the world; (iii) Showcasing the technological innovations of quantum information and standards; (iv) Supporting quantum revolution startups and promoting the commercialization of quantum technologies; and (v) Exploring future directions to secure competitive advantages in quantum computing as a national future core area. Program Moderators (08:30 am - 09:55 am) Prof. Jaewan Kim Vice President of KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study) Ji Yoon Kim Doctor of Politics & Broadcaster Panelists (08:30 am - 09:55 am) Prof. June-Koo Kevin Rhee KAIST Prof. Youngik Sohn KAIST Prof. Andreas Heinrich IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (Ewha W. Univ.) Joel Entertainer & Actor Prologue 08:30 09:00 Opening Session KAIST/KTV/KAOS Science Youtube Channels Panel Discussion The forum will be broadcast live to the world via KTV at 9:00. ON AIR 09:00 09:02 Welcome Remarks 09:02 09:04 09:04 09:06 Session I 09:06~09:21 Opportunities and Challenges of Quantum Computing as Innovative Growth Engines 09:21 09:22 Session II 09:22 09:36 Intro Video/Quantum in Movies Kwang Hyung Lee President, KAIST Bridge Video: Quantum Overview Jerry M Chow Director, Quantum Hardware Development, IBM Prof. John Preskill's Intro Video John Preskill Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology KAIST Keynote Speech 09:36 09:38 Session III 09:38~09:53 Insights into Emerging Quantum Startup Bridge Video: Quantum in Art Jungsang Kim Founder & CTO, IonQ / Prof., Duke University GSI Closing Remarks 09:53 ~ 09:55 Hoon Sohn Director, Global Strategy Institute, KAIST