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We help you find the technology you want, ” INNOPOLIS Busan held a technology market on the 20th

  • Writer 연구개발특구진흥재단
  • Date 2021-10-19
  • Views 536

We help you find the technology you want, ” INNOPOLIS Busan held a technology market on the 20th 

- Discovering and matching demanded technologies and introducing support projects for 2021 -

INNOPOLIS Busan of the INNOPOLIS Foundation will hold the 2021 Southeast Area Technology Marketplaceat Lotte Hotel in Ulsan on the 20th to support technology matching and support business consultation based on prior demand.


A total of 1,225 technologies owned by 40 institutions (26 universities, nine research institutes, two public companies, two large companies, and one university hospital) will be shown at this event. Specifically, 207 cases of biotechnology (BT), 167 cases of information technology (IT), 140 cases of environmental engineering technology (ET), 237 cases of electricity and electronics, 35 cases of chemistry, 60 cases of future materials, 60 cases of machinery, 28 cases and 19 cases of mobility were presented.


For technical consultation, please visit website (https://utptech.co.kr) and apply for technical consultation by each institution through keyword search. Even if there is no technology that matches the desired technology 100%, the point is to apply for a consultation if there is an organization with similar technology because it is good to discuss whether the desired technology can be developed by consulting with the inventor who developed the technology.


The importance of technology transfer has been emphasized once again due to the global corona pandemic for the past two years. Just as the rapid production of vaccines and the development of therapeutics were accelerated through technology transfer, it is significant to utilize technology transfer for a company's immediate and sustainable growth.


According to the 2020 Technology Transfer and Commercialization Survey Report (Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy), as of the end of 2019, the number of technology transfer contracts with technologies owned by public research institutes such as universities and public research institutes totaled 8,458, an increase of 4.4% compared to the previous year (8,105 cases). Among the total, SMEs accounted for 90.8% of the total (7,680 cases).


After the technology transfer contract, 26.6% of the cases were successfully used for product and service production and process improvement, and 50.1% were prepared and in progress for use.


In the technology market during the first and second half of 2020, 287 people attended despite the Covid-19, and 252 consultations were completed. In the first half of 2021, 170 people from 47 companies including Shinhan Heavy Industries, participated, and 154 talks were supported. INNOPOLIS Busan supported seven technology transfers and five establishments of Research Institute spin-off companies through the technology market.


Mr. Dong-Gyung Seo, director of INNOPOLIS Busan, said, “The survival rate of all start-ups after three years is 26%, whereas that of technology start-ups is about 50%, twice as high. We will do our best to help the technology start-up ecosystem develop a virtuous cycle by supporting the search for demanded technologies.”




      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

    • About the INNOPOLIS

      With the diffusion of the INNOPOLIS model to other regional hubs, total five INNOPOLISes are currently in operation, making significant contributions to balanced regional development in South Korea. 



    KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION Location 27-5, Expo-ro 123beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34125, Republic of Korea
    Contact +82-42-865-8901


    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



    • Characteristics of STP Training Program

      The STP training program has introduced Korean style of management system for Science & Technology Parks(STPs). Participants of the STP program will get hands on know-how on development, operation and management of STP

    • Sharing the know-how

    • Customized Solution

    • Building a social network

    • Hands on experience

    • STP Photos
