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Egypt Science and Technology Park to be built with the INNOPOLIS model. - Signed a business agreement to establish a science complex in the field of electronic engineering in Egypt

  • Writer 연구개발특구진흥재단
  • Date 2021-09-16
  • Views 526

Egypt Science and Technology Park to be built with the INNOPOLIS model.

- Signed a business agreement to establish a science complex in the field of electronic engineering in Egypt - 



INNOPOLIS Foundation (President Byung-Sam Kang, hereinafter 'INNOPOLIS') signed a business agreement with the Electronics Research Institute (hereinafter 'ERI') under the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Research to share knowledge and transfer know-how related to the operation of a science and technology complex in the field of electronic engineering in Egypt on the 15th.


* (ERI), established as an affiliated institution of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Research by Presidential Decree in 1989, researching future-oriented science and technology fields such as electronics, information and communication, and renewable energy (7 research divisions, 430 researchers)


In particular, this business cooperation is meaningful in that it further solidifies the long-established cooperative relationship between the two institutions, drawing best practices for linkage and collaboration with other ministries' projects.


Since 2016, INNOPOLIS and ERI of Egypt have been steadily strengthening their cooperative relationship through K-STP Training, a global knowledge-sharing program of INNOPOLIS.


* After Dr. Hesham El Deeb, the then ERI president, completed the K-STP training in 2016, the two institutions have continuously interacted with innovation experts in INNOPOLIS Daedeok.


* As of 2021, Acting President of ERI Sherine Mohamed Abdel Kader Participated in K-STP training (9/6~24), discussing a continued cooperation plan.


Above all, this donation is meaningful because the members of the Daedeok INNOPOLIS worked together. Companies and institutions in Daedeok INNOPOLIS collected used ICT equipment that had expired, then repaired and regenerated PCs and donated them through People & Com, a social enterprise.


• 『K-STP traininginvites officials of science and technology parks and related ministries from emerging countries to Daedeok INNOPOLIS for two weeks to pass on the experience and know-how of the Korean science and technology park centered on Daedeok through lectures, visits to related institutions, and mutual discussion.


A total of 20 training sessions were held from 2008 to 2020, with 387 participants from 70 countries attending.


With the agreement as an opportunity, decided to proceed with the developmental follow-up cooperation based on the agreement in connection with the Egyptian Knowledge Sharing Program (hereinafter referred to as 'KSP')conducted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Korea Development Institute for two years from 2020.


Egypt's ERI plans to foster high value-added industries through industry-university ties in the electrical and electronic fields in earnest from 2023 by building an electronic engineering science and technology complex (STPERI*) near Cairo.

* STPERI : Science and Technology Park for Electronics and Research Industry


In connection with the macro-direction established through the KSP project, INNOPOLIS plans to focus its efforts on establishing an industry-university-research linkage system based on its experience in fostering INNOPOLIS, and transferring specific and practical know-how related to technology start-up and growth support.


Egypt's former Minister of Information and Communication (Atef Helmy) and Vice Minister of Higher Education, Science and Research (Yasser Rifaat, Hesham Farouk) attended the signing ceremony held as part of Egypt's high-level policy dialogue. It is expected that the two institutions will continue to cooperate.


Dr. Sherine Mohamed Abdel Kader, acting president of ERI in Egypt, said, "I learned a lot about the innovative ecosystem of Daedeok INNOPOLIS through the K-STP education, and we will work closely with INNOPOLIS to apply such know-how's to the construction of the complex (STPERI)," strongly expressing his willingness to cooperate.


Byung-Sam Kang, president of INNOPOLIS Foundation, expressed, “INNOPOLIS will serve as a bridgehead to support the resolution of the practical difficulties faced by the Egyptian Electronic Engineering Science and Technology Park (STPERI) and to promote exchange and cooperation between the innovative communities of both Korea and Egypt.”




      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

    • About the INNOPOLIS

      With the diffusion of the INNOPOLIS model to other regional hubs, total five INNOPOLISes are currently in operation, making significant contributions to balanced regional development in South Korea. 



    KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION Location 27-5, Expo-ro 123beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34125, Republic of Korea
    Contact +82-42-865-8901


    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



    • Characteristics of STP Training Program

      The STP training program has introduced Korean style of management system for Science & Technology Parks(STPs). Participants of the STP program will get hands on know-how on development, operation and management of STP

    • Sharing the know-how

    • Customized Solution

    • Building a social network

    • Hands on experience

    • STP Photos
