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「Daegu Business Start-up Campus」 will be established in earnest

  • Writer Manager
  • Date 2019-04-10
  • Views 1,385

Daegu Business Start-up Campuswill be established in earnest

- INNOPOLIS Foundation and Daegu Bank concluded Daegu Business Start-up Campus Development Agreement


INNOPOLIS Foundation(Chairman of the board, Yang Sung-kwang, expressed as INNOPOLIS Foundation henceforth) made Daegu Business Start-up Campus Development Agreementwith DGB Daegu Bank(Bank president, Kim Tae-oh, expressed as Daegu Bank henceforth) on April 9 to establish Daegu Business Start-up Campus(5th floor, the second headquarters of Daegu Bank) and to promote its operation in earnest.


This agreement is a kind of formal agreement to promote the “Business Agreement for the Establishment of a Coexistent(Win-Win) Cooperation Model between Innovation Subjects of Public and Private Sectors” signed between INNOPOLIS Foundation and Daegu Bank signed on Jan. 29. As INNOPOLIS Foundation was registered as a designated donation organization (Notification of Ministry of Strategy and Finance. No 2019-9, Mar. 29 2019), the prospects of violating the Anti graft Law are abandoned. The court ruled that there was no problem with the violation of the law and the accounting of donation method.


This agreement aimed at establishing and operating an infrastructure optimized to support company growth at the Daegu Business Start-up Campus of INNOPOLIS Foundation and Daegu Bank, and specified details such as the period of the agreement, roles of all the parties, and maintenance.


<Summary of Agreement>

· (Name of Agreement) Daegu Business Start-up Campus Development and Operation Agreement

· (Target area) 5th floor, Second headquarters of Daegu Bank, Oksan-ro 111, Buk-gu, Daegu

· (Contracted period) From the date of the agreement to December 31, 2023

· (Matters pertaining to development)

- (Daegu Bank) Provides INNOPOLIS Foundation with target area for free for five years, and develops Daegu Business Start-up Campus(design, construction, etc.)

- (INNOPOLIS Foundation) Operates Daegu Business Start-up Campus, supports the selection and management of companies, and aids company growth program


To do this, Daegu Bank will infrastructure environments and establish facilities on the 5th floor of its second headquarters located in Chilsung-dong to provide them free of charge to INNOPOLIS Foundation by the end of December 2023. With the goal of opening in June of this year, Daegu Bank is in the process of completing internal design with professional design companies related to start-up facilities.


Daegu Business Start-up Campus will provide support the occupancy of promising start-ups in financial and IT fields such as finance, big data, artificial intelligence, block chain(30~40), participation space(co-working space for networking and community activation among residents sharing space(used for business information session, corporate IR events etc.). Daegu Bank plans to develope the best start-up space by providing facilities including interior and office furniture so that start-ups can achieve brilliant growth and development in a free and comfortable atmosphere. Construction will begin in April with the aim of completion at the end of May.


Daegu Special Zone Head Office of INNOPOLIS Foundation plans to regularly conduct many programs from prep entrepreneur and start-up hunt to corporate diagnosis, mentoring, intensive program operation, network, and demonstration day at Daegu Start-up Campus through 2019 Accelerating(execution organization: Y & Acher(Inc.) and Darae Strategic Commercialization Center(Inc.) and Innopolis Campus(execution organization: Yeungnam University, Daegu University, Keimyung University). The recruitment announcement for occupancy is expected to be made by the end of April.


In addition, Daegu Special Zone Head Office will promote various support programs such as connection support for investment attraction, global advancement, and activation of angel club through direct technology finance network at Daegu Business Start-up Campus.


<INNOPOLIS Foundation Support Project(plan)>




Support growth



with other










accelerator hunt

Growth stage &



R&BD, design, job-seeking Support

IR, financial support organization connection

Participation in overseas exhibitions,

marketing channel acquisition








Daegu Special






Daegu Special Zone, Special Zone fund manage, prior information(?), news(?), TP




support project


Kim Tae-oh, president of Daegu Bank said, "Daegu Bank has been playing a pivotal role in the local economy for half a century since its launch in 1967. And we hope Daegu will become a mecca for promising start-ups through the support of Daegu Start-up Campus and be a great help to create jobs and revitalize the local community.”


“The Daekyung area will be developed as a hub for start-up support of IT and financial industries with the creation of the Daegu Business Start-up Campus. And we will create a good example of success in local industrial development and job creation through cooperation model between Daegu Bank, a private company, and INNOPOLIS Foundation, a public institution.,” said Kim Yong-wook, director of the Daegu INNOPOLIS.




      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

    • About the INNOPOLIS

      With the diffusion of the INNOPOLIS model to other regional hubs, total five INNOPOLISes are currently in operation, making significant contributions to balanced regional development in South Korea. 



    KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION Location 27-5, Expo-ro 123beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34125, Republic of Korea
    Contact +82-42-865-8901


    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



    • Characteristics of STP Training Program

      The STP training program has introduced Korean style of management system for Science & Technology Parks(STPs). Participants of the STP program will get hands on know-how on development, operation and management of STP

    • Sharing the know-how

    • Customized Solution

    • Building a social network

    • Hands on experience

    • STP Photos
