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INNOPOLIS Foundation, Leads Commercialization of Heavy Ion Accelerator!

  • Writer Manager
  • Date 2018-10-31
  • Views 1,272

INNOPOLIS Foundation, Leads Commercialization of Heavy Ion Accelerator!

- Holds the 1st Conference for Development and Commercialization of Accelerator-


INNOPOLIS Foundation (Director: Yang Seong-Gwang) held the 1st conference for development and commercialization of heavy ion accelerator in Sejong SB Plaza on 31st October jointly managed by Accelerator Research Center in Sejong Campus of Korea University.


This conference has a big meaning in that it provided a place to share various knowledges and present development direction first time by 50 popular persons in the field of accelerator and beam utilization including the heavy ion accelerator project team of Institute for Basic Science.


The conference consisted of 3 sessions of development and setup of accelerator, commercialization of core technology of accelerator and detection technology and utilization studies of accelerator and each session drew presentation of subjects and active discussion of participants to enhance the expectation for development and commercialization of heavy ion accelerator.


Heavy ion accelerator is a core facility of Institute for basic Science in the International Science Business Belt and is under construction with a target to complete in 2021,


Once the heavy ion accelerator has been successfully built, it will provide world top class high strength, high performance rare isotope beam and lead world wide research by creating excellent research results in the field of basic science and application science.


INNOPOLIS Foundation will hold the conference two times in 2018 by organizing the commercialization network of innovation subjects in the field of heavy ion accelerator so that excellent research results of heavy ion accelerator can be successfully commercialized while it has discussed about implementation plan for vitalization of commercialization of heavy ion accelerator and supported ‘KONEX-R’ a joint research corporation for development of accelerator related core components through function district support project.


Korea University Sejong Campus also has greatly contributed to R&D and commercialization of national accelerator through high quality professional HR promotion in the field of R&D and beam utilization of accelerator and R&D of advanced accelerator of the accelerator research center through establishment of department of accelerator in 2014 and completion of large sized accelerator and ICT fusion center in 2017.


Hong Sun-Gyu, division head of Science Belt Support Division of INNOPOLIS Foundation said, “Beginning with the 1st conference for commercialization of heavy ion accelerator, we will not save the support for building heavy ion accelerator and successful commercialization of the deliverables such as expanding the commercialization netwoof accelerator, excavating promising enterprises for development and commercialization of accelerator”

[Photo] Group photo of Participants in the 1st Conference for Development and Commercialization of Accelerator




      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

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    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



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