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INNOPOLIS Foundation, suggests a new paradigm of matching technical demand-supply

  • 작성자 Manager
  • 작성일 2018-05-04
  • 조회수 1,663

“INNOPOLIS Foundation, suggests a new paradigm of matching technical demand-supply”

Foundation hosts kick-off for demander-centered technique seeking platform business

INNPOLIS Foundation(President Seong-Gwang Yang, hereafter 'Foundation') hosted a kick-off for the "demander-centered technique seeking platform operation and consulting" business to suggest new paradigm of technical demand and supply on May 2nd.


This business was planned to provide business solution through consulting to companies dealing with difficulty in seeking new promising business.


The characteristics of this business is that it uses current technical demand DB to seek the demand, and provide a "platform" that connects technical supplier and mediator institutes(research institute, support institute, investment institute).


At the kick-off, president Seong-Gwang Yang of the foundation said "By grouping the demanding companies into technique, management condition and research capacity, we will provide systematic support policy”.


CEO Yoon-Cheol Im of Technology and Value Inc. and CEO Cheong-Il Ha of Techran Inc. said "Most companies are reluctant to show the inner problems. We will try to contact companies frequently to understand actual needs of companies and build trust".


KISTI participating as advisory institute said "We will cooperate at maximum level to connect fourth industrial revolution related promising item owned by KISTI to create synergy effect".

This business is composed of 3 steps Seek(TT, Target-Tech) technical demander(company), Specify needs(MT, Market-Tech) through consulting, Match(BT, Business Tech) the require technique and business accurately.

o Especially, it specifies needs of company by separating into ‘R&D planning type' which requires introduction of external technique and ‘Investment, financing connection type’ which requires external investment.


Later, the foundation plans to match necessary techniques to companies through round-table meeting participating stakeholders(technique possession institute, technique matching institute, investors etc.) and introduce customize business.


* Technical transfer commercialization business, investment support, research institution foundation, manufacture trail products etc.

Also, by connecting R&BD, network business run by the foundation, it aims to maximize the synergy effect.


Meanwhile, the foundation plans to expand demand DB possession institutes and technical supply, mediation institue to expand the network of the platform.


This business targets entire companies including companies in 5 INNOPOLIS(Daedeok, Gwangju, Daegu, Busan, Chonbuk).


Companies dealing with difficulty from technique seeking and commercialization can get more information about the business by contacting the INNOPOLIS Foundation Technical evaluation team(042-865-8934) until the end of May.