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Proceed the Public Technology Transferring Commercialization in Daedeok INNOPOLIS in 2017

  • Writer Manager
  • Date 2017-04-27
  • Views 1,944


Proceed the Public Technology Transferring

Commercialization in Daedeok INNOPOLIS in 2017

Support 36 Cases of Assignments for Commercialization

 in the Use of Outstanding Public Technologies 



□    INNOBIS Foundation (President, Chadong Kim, hereinafter referred to as "INNOBIS Foundation") has indicated that they were about to support 36 new assignments with 'technology transferring commercialization' for proceeding the commercialization of outcome of public research including Daedeok INNOBIS in the first half of this year.


-     19 cases (6.06 billion Won) in the field of technology transfer R&BD* and 17 cases (3.76 billion Won) in the field of R&BD of INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-Off Company have been supported as technology transferring commercialization business.


*          Technology transferring R&BD is the business for proceeding commercialization by industry and academia when companies are transferred with public technology possessed by government funded research institutes or universities, and up to 3 billion Won is supported for 3 years in each assignment.


**     INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-Off Companies were established by investing the public technology as capital of companies. Up to 6 hundred million Won is supported for 2 years in each assignment as commercialization fund to develop new products and advance to new market through R&BD assignments of INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-Off companies.


□   INNOPOLIS Foundation is scheduled to hold an initiating ceremony on managing organization and participating organization for 36 new assignments on the 27th and actively start the business in 2017.


-      Average of about 3.2 hundred million Won in the field of technology transferring R&BD and of about 2.3 hundred million Won in the field of INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-Off Companies is supported per assignment. 41 companies, 12 government funded research institutes, and 8 universities participate in 36 assignments to proceed the commercialization.


-     The outcome of public technology transfer worth about 1.65 billion Won has been accomplished by proceeding new assignments (19 cases) in the field of technology transferring R&BD. Especially, among the transferred technologies, 16 cases of them were promising technologies cultivated by technology-seeking forum* conducted by Daedeok INNOPOLIS.


*         Technology seeking forum is a program for cultivating and selecting promising technologies for commercialization among technologies possessed by the public research institutes based on Daedeok INNOPOLIS. Daedeok INNOPOLIS has released 132 technologies when announcing the business in 2017. Among them 39 cases were connected to the companies and hence applied in the business for technology transferring commercialization.


 □     Companies are expected to accomplish the outcome for employing more than 250 employees as well as sales of higher than about 170 billion Won for the next 5 years after ending the assignments by commercializing the new products and advancing to the new markets by performing technology commercialization assignments in 2017.


□    Director of Daedeok INNOBIS, Byunghan Yun, from INNOPOLIS Foundation said, "We will do our best to improve the outcome of assignments for selection so that outstanding technologies possessed by INNOPOLIS will become a foundation for companies to make a new leap forward."






      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

    • About the INNOPOLIS

      With the diffusion of the INNOPOLIS model to other regional hubs, total five INNOPOLISes are currently in operation, making significant contributions to balanced regional development in South Korea. 



    KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION Location 27-5, Expo-ro 123beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34125, Republic of Korea
    Contact +82-42-865-8901


    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



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