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Global A.I.M business promotion for strengthening INNOPOLIS companies" foothold into foreign markets

  • Writer Manager
  • Date 2016-09-05
  • Views 2,727


Global A.I.M business promotion for strengthening INNOPOLIS companies' foothold into foreign markets

INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-off Company and other bio-focused INNOPOLIS companies are starting to enter into the Chinese market through Global A.I.M. program 



□ INNOPOLIS Foundation (Chairman of the Board Cha Dong Kim) visited a total of 4 regions in China, Beijing (北京), Gu'an (固安), Nanjing (南京), and Shanghai (上海) in a bid to promote the support program Global A.I.M. (Accelerate + Incubate + Mentor) that supports the entry  to Chinese market for INNOPOLIS companies, and disclosed on the 5th that a total of 4 road shows were held for Chinese investment attraction.

   * By collaborating with a major local accelerator in China, Techcode, the program locally supports accelerating + incubating + mentoring for INNOPOLIS companies for the entry to the Chinese market

 ㅇ For this program, it supported a total of 9 companies including 4 INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-off Companies and bio-focused corporations in their entry to the Chinese market by focusing on the investment expansion policy in bio-healthcare sector by the Chinese government. 

□ The following roadshow was attended and successfully carried forward by a total of 100 financial and strategic investors within China who carry the intention of collaborating with INNOPOLIS corporations with excellent technological foundation.  

 ㅇ At the roadshow, many Chinese corporations waited in line and expressed great interest in INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-off Companies such as Sugentech Co., and Daedeok INNOPOLIS based C&s Tech Co.. It further confirmed the outstanding technical skills of INNOPOLIS based bio-corporations and their successful potential for entry in the Chinese market.

□ In this local program, it not only included investment attraction roadshows but also mentoring by inviting China's local experts in areas that bio-corporations must know for entry into China such as patent‧licensing problems, trademark‧copyright‧design related legal issues and accounting.

□ In order to achieve visible outcomes, INNOPOLIS foundation expressed continued full support for INNOPOLIS companies and follow-up meetings with investors. Additionally, through a Global A.I.M. program targeting IT and manufacturing related technology INNOPOLIS corporations in October, it plans to expand its support for INNOPOLIS companies' entry to the Chinese market.

 ㅇ Furthermore, it revealed that a 2 month long Global A.I.M program started on September 6th at Silicon Valley in the United States with 12 INNOPOLIS companies in order to support their entry in not just China but also in the States.

□ Chairman of the board for INNOPOLIS Foundation, Cha Dong Kim, expressed “the program confirmed the potential for entry in the Chinese market for INNOPOLIS companies. INNOPOLIS foundation will fully support INNOPOLIS companies for their continued growth and entry to the foreign markets.”  End of page.




      KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION is a professional technology commercialization institution to efficiently pursue the business of fostering according to the Special Act on the Promotion of Special Research and Development Zones, Etc.

    • About the INNOPOLIS

      With the diffusion of the INNOPOLIS model to other regional hubs, total five INNOPOLISes are currently in operation, making significant contributions to balanced regional development in South Korea. 



    KOREA INNOVATION FOUNDATION Location 27-5, Expo-ro 123beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34125, Republic of Korea
    Contact +82-42-865-8901


    The INNOPOLIS Model The INNOPOLIS, as an R&D-focused innovation cluster, is contributing to national economic growth via intellectual property creation and technology commercialization. INNOPOLIS creates an Innovation Cluster with a Virtuous Circle of R&D, Tech Commercialization, Re-investment



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